Your April 2024 Horoscope Brings Taurus Season, Mercury Retrograde, and Another Eclipse

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Oof. April brings both Mercury retrograde and an eclipse in your sign. Consider treating yourself to a social media break, and be careful with your words, as they may unintentionally sting. Your friends adore that you will always tell them the truth, but during Mercury’s backward dance, it’s a ticker to know when to keep things to yourself. While solar eclipses can be anxiety-provoking, as they’re associated with the manifestation of new moons, it’s an ideal time to set intentions. When the sun leaves your sign and enters Taurus, don’t cry because your birthday season is over; smile because there are ample opportunities to manifest those desires. Plus, a full moon in Scorpio may leave you turned on, and we’ve shared a spell to help you make the most of fighter Mars moving into your sign. Read your full April horoscope here, Aries.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Happy solar return, Taurus. Your season begins this month… and so does Mercury retrograde. But fear not. While you’ll likely want a break from social media, and dating apps will be a nightmare, the vibes are curated for rom-com worth meet-cutes. Think meeting your next great love while running errands in your PJs. If you’re already partnered or looking for a deepened connection within your friendships, know that due to Juno, the asteroid of commitment, endings its retrograde in your 5th House of Pleasure, this month absolutely rocks for love (yes, even with an eclipse and Mercury retrograde). Just practice self-care during the Scorpio full moon and know that the end of the month, after Mercury is direct, is epic for getting exactly what you want (as long as you ask, which Mars can help with). Read your full April horoscope here, Taurus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

April starts with Mercury retrograde, stirring communication challenges but also deepening social connections as sweet Venus enters Aries. This period calls for a reevaluation of friendships, encouraging you to distinguish between acquaintances and genuine allies, ensuring your efforts are directed towards meaningful relationships. The solar eclipse and new moon in Aries herald fresh beginnings, possibly marking the start of new professional partnerships or enhancing existing ones. However, this powerful cosmic event may also drain your energy, necessitating a balance between seizing opportunities and practicing self-care to manage the resultant edginess. As the sun moves into Taurus, your spiritual and intuitive side is highlighted, enhancing psychic awareness and inner insight, guiding you through the month’s challenges and opportunities with heightened intuition. Read your full April horoscope here, Gemini.

Bella Geraci/Allure

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

April ushers in a Mercury retrograde, notably affecting your 10th House of Social Status and potentially delaying desired work outcomes. Despite the urge to advance, accept that responses and contract signings may be slower than usual. This is a month to step away from the relentless pursuit of success and embrace leisure and relaxation without guilt. Venus’s journey into Aries might open career opportunities, yet Taurus season reminds you of the value of fun and stepping back from constant productivity. Venus entering Taurus also hints at romantic possibilities within your social circle, potentially turning friendships into something more. As Mars enters Aries, it signals a shift from reflection to action, encouraging you to pursue your ambitions with renewed vigor and passion. For Cancers, April is a balancing act between professional aspirations and the simple joys of life, highlighting the importance of patience, self-care, and the potential for new romantic beginnings. Read your full April horoscope here, Cancer.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

As April dawns, you must deal with Mercury retrograde in Aries, which casts uncertainties on travel and movement, making you particularly prone to delays. Yet, as Venus enters Aries, a spark for transformation ignites within you, inspiring a bold style makeover that befits your regal nature. This period is an invitation to explore and refresh your personal expression. The Aries new moon and solar eclipse spotlight your 9th House of Philosophy, bringing a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Unlike last month’s lunar eclipse, this solar event signals not endings but introspection. It’s a time for Leos to embrace solitude, reduce commitments, and indulge in well-deserved relaxation. As the sun moves into Taurus, your 10th House of Social Status shines brightly, promising opportunities for enhanced recognition and success. With Mercury resuming direct motion, the cosmos encourages you to leverage this newfound visibility, blending your professional pursuits with personal flair, marking a period of significant growth and public acclaim. Read your full April horoscope here, Leo.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

April requires you to navigate the choppy waters of Mercury retrograde, a period demanding precision in communication to sidestep misunderstandings with those closest to you. Venus’s entry into Aries midway, however, offers solace, infusing your interactions with a layer of warmth and grace, ensuring that love and affection remain abundant amidst the chaos. The period is punctuated by a new moon and solar eclipse in Aries, compelling you towards introspection and perhaps a much-needed social media break. This serves as an opportune moment for self-reflection and care, encouraging a step back from the digital fray. As the sun transitions into Taurus, your attention turns to personal growth and the exploration of new interests, nurturing your soul and creative inclinations. Juno, the asteroid of commitment, goes direct forward in your sign, Virgo, fortifying your connections and promising strengthened ties across the board. The full moon in Scorpio invites a night of solitude, emphasizing rest. With Mercury resuming direct motion, expect a clearing of communication fog, while Venus’s move from Aries into Taurus augments your relationships with continued positive evolution, easing any Mercury retrograde misunderstandings. Read your full April horoscope here, Virgo.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

April brings challenges and opportunities, starting with Mercury retrograde in Aries. This phase necessitates careful communication, especially with those closest to you, as misunderstandings are likely. Patience becomes your virtue, whether you’re navigating changes in personal relationships or celebrating others’ milestones from afar. The Aries new moon and solar eclipse stir collective unease, yet for you, Libra, this period is an invitation to slow down and prioritize self-care over striving. Embrace this time as a chance for relaxation and reflection, opting for comfort and calm. As the month progresses, the full moon in Scorpio illuminates your financial sector, suggesting the possibility of gains despite a volatile economy. While direct monetary predictions remain elusive, the energies favor positive outcomes in financial endeavors. April calls on you to navigate communication carefully, find peace in patience, and remain open to the subtle gifts of transformation and potential prosperity. Read your full April horoscope here, Libra.

collaged image featuring a Scorpio zodiac sign's scorpion in front of gemstones and moons

Bella Geraci/Allure

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

During Mercury retrograde, which begins this month, expect the usual communication mishaps, delayed travel, and perhaps even exes resurfacing (you may have to fight the urge to become a resurfacing ex yourself). Venus’s entry into Aries emphasizes the importance of self-care and rest, advocating for a gentler approach to your daily routines. The Aries new moon and solar eclipse further highlight this need for a recharge, suggesting you try to reduce stress to nurture your well-being. Juno, the asteroid of commitment, going direct promises a joyful reconnection with a friend, reinforcing the value of platonic relationships. However, with Mercury still retrograde, clear communication is key. The full moon in your sign intensifies your emotional landscape, potentially bringing paranoia but also a significant chance for manifesting deep desires. As Mars enters Aries, it boosts your energy, particularly in love and career, offering a prime moment for advancing professional goals (not to mention hot sex). Read your full April horoscope here, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

April brings Mercury retrograde in Aries, hinting at potential creative hurdles. Yet, embracing analog methods like journaling, meditation, or physical activities could unlock fresh inspiration. Venus’s arrival in Aries promises enhancements in love and finance, brightening prospects despite communication challenges. The new moon and solar eclipse add layers of unpredictability; it’s a period more suited for reflection than action, with significant decisions best delayed until Mercury resumes direct motion. The full moon in Scorpio intensifies emotions, urging a quiet night in for self-care. As Mercury turns direct, it’s time to indulge in your wildest dreams—whether they involve romantic fantasies or ambitious career moves. The cosmos seem aligned to fulfill your desires. Venus’s transition into Taurus later in the month emphasizes the value of self-care, reminding you to prioritize your well-being. Read your full April horoscope here, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This month, which brings Mercury retrograde in Aries, challenges you with work pressures and a deep desire for some downtime. Recognizing the need for a break is crucial; integrating rest into your schedule promises enhanced long-term productivity. Venus’s entry into Aries invites a period of introspection and relaxation. This time encourages sleep, indulgent self-care, and erecting boundaries to keep work at bay, nurturing your inner hermit. The new moon and solar eclipse in Aries further urge a slow down and embrace of self-care amidst the backdrop of fresh starts that solar eclipses usually entail. As Taurus season arrives, it brings a reminder to prioritize working smarter instead of harder. The Scorpio full moon encourages you to enjoy revelry with friends. With Venus moving into Taurus, relaxation and the rewards of your hard work become increasingly apparent, allowing for a well-deserved period of celebrating your hard work. Read your full April horoscope here, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

April sees Mercury retrograde in Aries affecting your communication sector, amplifying misunderstandings and the potential social media faux pas. Yet, Venus’s arrival in Aries boosts relationship confidence, encouraging bold expressions of love and affection. The month features a pivotal new moon and solar eclipse in Aries, contrasting March’s lunar eclipse focus on endings with the potential for fresh starts. While this eclipse may bring anxiety and upheaval, it also opens doors to unforeseen opportunities, urging you to stay adaptable. Additionally, the full moon in Scorpio illuminates your 10th House of Social Status, offering recognition and success. This period, ripe with the promise of achievement, invites you to capitalize on the post-retrograde (Mercury goes direct later in April) momentum for career advancements and important negotiations. Read your full April horoscope here, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

April ushers in with Mercury retrograde, which requires a blend of ambition and necessary patience for you, Pisces. This celestial backtrack slows down contracts and communication but ignites a fire within to push forward with your goals, be it in work or personal creative endeavors. Venus’s entry into Aries mid-month infuses your professional or passion projects with inspiration, urging you to find joy in the journey despite the pace. The Aries new moon and solar eclipse bring an intensity that calls for self-care and reflection, encouraging you to plan strategically for your desires, with execution best delayed until Mercury resumes direct motion. The potent full moon in Scorpio amplifies your psychic intuition, offering deep emotional insights and strengthening your spiritual connection. As Venus transitions into Taurus, expect a focus on material gains and prosperity, highlighting the importance of patience and planning throughout April. This month is about balancing ambition with self-care, leading to potential rewards as the cosmos align in your favor. Read your full April horoscope here, Pisces.

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